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You were created for something special.


And we've saved the perfect spot just for you.

From the parking lot to the stage, and everything in between, there is a place for you. Whether it's preparing coffee, sharing your smile with guests, or using your gifts to serve in other ways, we want you.


When you're on team, you won't just find tasks to be completed. You'll find a community.


First Impressions 

First-time visitors typically decide if they’ll be back to a church within their first few minutes at a new church. Be a part of a team that serves to help that decision be a YES. 

The Greeting Team: Be a smiling, welcoming face to those coming through the doors. Welcome everyone, connect with new faces and recognize and deepen connections with familiar ones.

Kids Check-in: Welcome our parents and kids, assist with the check-in system, and show new families to their rooms. You will be trained in the check-in system as needed. 


Volunteer Opportunity: every 4-6 weeks or as needed, 8:30-9:10 AM & 9:45-10:40 AM.



The Usher Team is responsible for welcoming everyone into the Auditorium. Before service, we ensure the chairs are in place and connect cards and giving envelopes are stocked as needed. We help people find open seats and are available during service as needed. At the end of service, we leave everyone with a smile. In teams of two, we collect the offering/tithes from the black boxes and count them in the office. Because many people give online, in-person contributions are generally small and easy to handle.



Volunteer Opportunity: one Sunday a month, or as needed, from 8:30 - 10:00 AM & 10:00 - 11:45 AM


Kid's Ministry

Come change the lives of our next generation! It is our mission to reflect God’s love, mercy, grace, and confidence onto kids so they can walk away feeling in-tuned with the Holy Spirit, loved, heard, and wiser in God’s word. 


Nursery - (birth - walking) Utilizing our hour to snuggle, pray, and worship with babies helps create a Godly foundation for children. No diaper changes will be required.

PreK - (toddler-preschool) Our simple schedule leads teachers through imagination playtime, singing and dancing, a short Bible story written to teach kids how to relate it to their lives, a simple craft, memory verse of a week, puppet show, prayer, and snack.

K5 - (Kindergarten-5th Grade) Teachers connect with kids through conversation, Bible stories, and games. Our mission is to create Godly relationships with kids so they feel connected, included, seen, and heard. If every child can leave feeling they are special, it was a good day!


One adult and teen mentor will serve together each service. Lessons are posted on Planning Center to review ahead of time.


Volunteer Opportunity: one Sunday a month from 8:30 - 10:15 AM & 10:00 - 11:45 AM.

The-Bridge-Church_ youth-group_ St Francis_ Saint-Francis_ church-near-me_ church-for-kids

Youth Ministry

If you’re looking for a place to let your “inner kid” shine bright, look no further. Our youth ministry team is where “fun” and “eternal impact” come together. We are looking for individuals passionate about loving, supporting, and empowering our teenagers to become the men and women God has called them to be. You’re not too young. You’re not too old. If you love to hang out with teenagers, we want you! 


Youth leaders take on various roles and tasks on Wednesday nights based on their desires and gift sets. We have leaders that will welcome students at the front door. Other leaders oversee sound and media production for our Wednesday night service. Other leaders will help facilitate and referee games that we play. Leaders will help pray with students and assist them in their spiritual development. 


Volunteer Opportunity: every Wednesday night from 6:00-8:15 PM



Use your musical talent here! No matter what instrument you can play or if you are blessed with a singing voice, we can use you on our team. We work with sound equipment such as in-ear monitors, mics, backing tracks, and plug-in sound systems. We practice before service on Sunday from 7:00 till 8:30 AM and then worship with the church at the 9 and 10:30 AM services  


Volunteer Opportunity: one Sunday a month or as needed from 7:00-11:30 AM.



The Hospitality Team sets up and tears down coffee before and after service so you can still come and get filled by the worship and message. Before the service starts, we brew coffee, set up the coffee station, and put out any pastries. We stay after service is over and clean up. This spot is for you if you struggle to sign up for a volunteer position because you want to continue to be a part of the service.


Volunteer Opportunity: one Sunday a month from 8:00 - 10:15 AM & 9:45 AM - 12:00 PM



If you are creative and love to make spaces beautiful, this is the volunteer spot for you.


The Creative Team is responsible for decorating and tearing down for Christmas, Easter Egg Hunt, and the backdrop for the stage. We also occasionally redecorate the kid's rooms and restrooms. We are the go-to team if anyone needs changes aesthetically done around the church. Become a part of this fun team!


Volunteer Opportunity: varies, depending on the project and time of year



The Media Team prepares needed slides on Pro-Presenter for the sermon and puts together the digital files for the day. They are also responsible for the lighting, the live stream, and song slides projected during worship songs. We work with Pro-Presenter, OSB, and Spotify. Volunteers should have problem-solving and technology skills.


The Sound Team works with the worship team to smoothly transfer the worship music through the speakers. Volunteers are responsible for the volume of the pastor's microphone and all the Spotify music before and after service. Without the sound guy, there would be no sound! 


Volunteer Opportunity: one Sunday a month or as needed from 7:00-11:45 AM


The Maintenance Teams is an excellent opportunity if you want to volunteer but would like your weekends to be free. The maintenance team would be needed when there are odd jobs around the church. It could range from fixing a stuck window to building a new fence around our trash cans. If you are handy around your home, we would love you to be handy around the church! 


Volunteer Opportunity: on your time, as needed


Community Outreach

If your skill set is event planning, and you love throwing parties and thriving at every detail that goes into a gathering, this is the spot for you. Community Outreach ministry is the practice of looking beyond ourselves to the people around us and sharing the love of Christ as we serve and connect with our community. We offer a few ways each year to share God’s love with people who may never enter the doors of a church. We create these events hoping to shine our light and glorify God in our community. 


A few events are the Community Tree Lighting, the Easter Egg Hunt, the Pioneer Days in St. Francis, helping with the fall kickoff party, and the vacation bible school (VBS) we offer every summer!


Volunteer  Opportunity: As needed

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Join a Team

Thanks for applying to volunteer with us! We'll get back to you soon.


Address: 6443 Norris Lake Rd. NW

Nowthen, MN 55330


Telephone: 763.753.2134



9:00 & 10:30 AM

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